Virtual Server Hosting

Adept’s virtual servers provide our clients with peace of mind about their IT infrastructure, giving the benefit of full redundancy and fibre-based connectivity. By hosting a virtual server, capital expenses are reduced drastically, and one does not run the risk of having old hardware and outdated infrastructure. We regularly upgrade our own infrastructure to ensure clients fully benefit from always hosting on the latest technology available.

A virtual server allows for flexibility and is scalable within short periods of time, thus removing lengthy waiting periods. The client still maintains full control over their server, and is provided surety of security at all times.

What is a Virtual Server?

It is a software implementation of a machine. Virtual Private Servers bridge the gap between shared hosting, and physical server or colocation-hosting. Virtual Server Hosting is done by means of taking large physical servers and then partitioning them into multiple virtual servers and machines required. Each of these can be set up as a separate machine with its own software, and the functionality to reboot them individually is available.

These servers operate as if they are individual physical machines, but have the ability to be removed and/or replaced if need be without any interruptions. In additional, most of the modern operating systems on the market are supported by the virtual environment.

The only thing one requires is a valid operating system and applicable licensing.

Please note that all pricing below excludes VAT

Which additional add-ons are there?

Add-on options will enable you to do basic upgrades of your virtual server as the need arises. You can choose from the following options:


  • Additional IP addresses
  • Additional RAM
  • Additional Storage
  • Additional VCPU
  • Windows License

How is a Hosted Virtual Server different from a Dedicated Server?

A virtual server makes use of recourses from a number of different servers at the same time, therefore getting the benefits of their CPU, RAM and storage space, in addition to allowing you to not worry about hardware failure. When you have a dedicated server, you are literally reliant on a single server, meaning that hardware failure could be a serious issue as you cannot pull resources from other servers that are available to you. 

Want enterprise-level cloud services?

Enjoy a wide variety of cloud services hosted locally in South Africa, with Azure!

Does my business need IT services?

Do you have trouble managing your servers and their performance?
Do you have security issues on the network and servers?
Do you have trouble dealing with malware and phishing or issues with the mail environment?
Do you have hardware that needs to be replaced or fixed?
Do you have devices that are not connecting properly in the office?
Do you find yourself regularly having to deal with an IT crisis?
Do you need a simplified IT system?
Do you have issues with VoIP and general connectivity?

If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions then you need to consider outsourcing the expertise to a company that has the resources to futureproof your IT infrastructure, whilst improving on productivity and providing preventative solutions for cyber threats.

Contact us for a consultation or for more info!

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